- Ion, by Liviu Rebreanu
- Forest of the Hanged (Padurea Spanzuratiilor), by Liviu Rebreanu
- Adam and Eve, by Liviu Rebreanu
- The Uprising, by Liviu Rebreanu
- Gathering Clouds, by Cezar Petrescu
- The Hatchet, by Mihail Sadoveanu.
Right now I've ordered the books and will pick them up from the Bierce Library at the University of Akron. I'm also ordering commentaries and history books as I prepare to write the short papers for this course.
I'll be updating this blog not only with my reflections on readings, but also with any insight I gain from outside readings, leads to look into for future projects, and possibly even bibliographies. We'll see where this ends up.
Update: Mr. Clark and I unanimously agreed to replace "Gathering Clouds" with "Barefoot," by Zaharia Stancu. This decision was caused by the rarity of the translated version in the public (and private) library systems. I know Mr. Clark is dedicated to his task of teaching, but forty-some dollars for a little-known book is a little too much, if you ask me...