Sunday, May 31, 2009

This is it!!

Tomorrow morning, school is in session! Actually, I'm still trying to wrap up my other summer class--Proofreading--so school's never really ended for me. But that's ok. I had a pleasant two-week break at the beginning of May.

So, here is the blog, and the books are in the post below, and I've already ordered a number of commentaries and history books on OhioLink that should arrive within the week. My goal is to read one book a week, but I'll try to come up with a more specific timeline to give myself mini-deadlines. That way I'll be more likely to complete all the assignments without pulling any all-nighters.

I'll keep updating not only on the novels that I'm reading, but also on sources that I may want to check out--books, articles, periodicals, professors, other students, etc. We'll see how this turns out.

Ideally, by the end of the summer, I'll have a foundational knowledge of 1) Romania's 20th century history, culture, and literary trends; 2) common themes that emerge in the novels I am reading; 3) who's who in Romanian literary commentaries; 4) where I can start building a conversation for my senior paper; and 5) around 60-70 sources I can cite for my final paper. Overwhelming? Nope! This will be a grand adventure!

1 comment:

  1. I find this a great idea! Thank you for the honor of joining you in this new and "grand" adventure!
