Monday, June 1, 2009


I'm afraid I went a little click-happy and requested 25 books off of OhioLink. "Only 25?" you ask. Well, apparently there' s a limit on how many books one may request at once. So... I'm not sure how long I have to wait before I can request the others because, yes, there are more.

I'm finding that there are interesting patterns in what types of books are published regarding Romanian literature, culture, and history, and also in what time periods they are published. (I do believe that's terrible grammar, but right now it's too late to try and fix it up. I'll do a better job on my actual journal entries, I promise. maybe I should try to diagram that sentence! Now that's a task for a bored mind!) More on the types of research I'm doing later.

In the meantime, Ion is turning out to be quite an interesting novel. I think Rebreanu's language is brilliant, even if it appears in translated form. And he describes the scenes in his novel so vividly, I can almost taste the dust rising from the dancers swinging around in the hora and feel the breeze in the apple orchard behind the barn. I look forward to more plot development as I delve into the story.

Particular strands that are creeping up: the importance of agriculture and land to the peasants, the interaction between different classes, and the role of patriarchy in the 20th century Romanian village.

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